Why I love race play

Why I love Race Play

“Really? I wasn’t aware that Niteflirt was accepting EBT as a form of payment.” This was my reply to a caller who had just notified me that he was a black male looking for race play. His chuckle came through my ear bud, appreciative. “Damn.”

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Puppy asking omg why

Sold a pup

don’t you just love that phrase? Sold a pup. to be swindled. Talked into getting something you didn’t necessarily want or need.

What I find sad, and it is something that has the capability of actually depressing the fuck out of me, is that eventually the good ones (clients) end up believing that they have been sold a pup.

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From 11 Years Ago

Now, some girls might say, “I’ve had an account for 7 years but I only started taking calls two weeks ago.” I laugh in the face of that.

My feedback laughs with me.

I love my job, it’s a vocation for me, not a paycheck.

Gladly, I am a straight-ho and love knowing that what I could give away for free and some silly girls do already, I get paid for. It gives me a tingle in my panties.